Glossary O

Offline group refers to a group whose members interact with one another in face-to-face, collocated settings.
OI is the abbreviations of Osteogenesis Imperfecta that referring to range of diseases caused by an abnormality in the collagen protein that the body requires for bones as well as other structures, such as teeth, ligaments and skin. The condition often leads to an increased likelihood of fractures, as well as fragile teeth, lax joints, bruising and blue or grey sclera (whites of eyes). Some people with brittle bone diseases develop deafness and some have short stature.

An Old sergeant syndrome consits of symptoms of psychological disturbance, including depression, anxiety and guilt, exhibited by noncommissioned officers in cohesive units that suffer heavy casualties. Strongly loyal to their

Old-old refer to those who have suffered major physical or mental decrements among the very old,.

Older adulthood refers to an era in the human life course that follows "middle adulthood" or "middle age". It is sometimes called "late adulthood" and includes those who are 65 years of age or older; encompasses distinctions within this era between the "young old", the "old old", and the "very old"

Deutsch: Geruchssinn / Español: Olfato / Português: Olfato / Français: Olfaction / Italiano: Olfatto /

Olfaction refers to the sense of smell, which plays an important role in human psychology and behavior. Our sense of smell is closely linked to our emotions, memories, and perceptions, and can have a powerful impact on our mood and behavior.

Olfactometer is defined as the device that presents olfactory stimuli with great precision.

Olfactory bulb refers to the structure that receives signals directly from the olfactory receptors. The olfactory bulb contains glomeruli, which receive these signals from the receptors.