Glossary O
Glossary O
Obstructive sleep Apnea refers to Apnea that occurs most often during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep when either the upper airway collapses, not allowing air to pass, or the body weight of the patient on the chest compromises respiratory effort.
Occam's razor refers to the belief that of several, equally effective alternative explanations, the one that makes the fewest assumptions should be accepted.
Occasion setting refers to a procedure in which a stimulus, known as an Occasion setter signals that a CS (conditoned stimulus) is likely to be followed by the US (unconditioned stimulus) with which it is associated.
Occasionalism refers to the belief that bodily events and mental events are coordinated by God's intervention. It is the belief that the relationship between the mind and body is mediated by God.
Occipital lobe is the posterior (caudal) section of the cerebral cortex; division of the cerebral cortex located at the back of the head that is involved in the processing of visual information.