Glossary O

Oneiromancy is defined as the practice of predicting the future by interpreting dreams.

Oniomania means excessive, uncontrollable desire to buy things.

Online group refers to a group whose members communicate with one another solely or primarily through computer-based information technologies that create a virtual group experience regardless of the members’ geographic locations.

Deutsch: Zuschauer / Español: Espectador / Português: Observador / Français: Spectateur / Italiano: Spettatore

Onlooker in the psychology context refers to an individual who observes the behaviors and interactions of others without directly participating. This term is particularly relevant in social psychology, where onlooker behavior is analyzed to understand how individuals process and interpret social interactions from a detached perspective. Onlookers play a significant role in social dynamics, influencing and being influenced by the observed situations through their presence and potential for intervention.

Onlooker play is when children linger around other children, watching them play, but making no attempts to join in the play.

Onset is a term in the medicine which refers to the first appearance of the signs or symptoms of an illness

Onset time refers to the time at which a specific tone starts. When two (2) tones start at different times, this provides information that they are coming from different sources.

Ontogenetic adaptations are behaviors that play a specific role in survival for an individual at one time only and then disappear when they are no longer needed.

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