Glossary P
Glossary P
In the realm of psychology, "publicity" refers to the state or condition of an individual's thoughts, emotions, or experiences becoming known to others, often in a deliberate and public manner. It encompasses the act of sharing personal information, experiences, or feelings with the intention of gaining attention, validation, or support from others. Publicity can have both positive and negative effects on an individual's mental well-being and relationships. In this article, we will explore the concept of publicity in psychology, provide examples, discuss potential risks and application areas, offer recommendations for managing the consequences of seeking publicity, and briefly touch upon historical and legal perspectives. Finally, we will list some similar psychological concepts.
Deutsch: Ewige Jungfrau / Español: Chica eterna / Português: Menina eterna / Français: Fille éternelle / Italiano: Ragazza eterna /
Puella aeterna refers to a woman who may have difficulty accepting the responsibilities of adulthood and is likely to be still attached to her father.
Puer aeternus refers to a man who may have difficulty growing out of adolescence and becoming more responsible.
Punctuated equilibrium model refers to a group development theory that assumes groups change gradually over time but that the periods of slow growth are punctuated by brief periods of relatively rapid change.
Deutsch: Durchdringung / Español: punción / Português: punção / Français: ponction / Italiano: puntura
In the psychology context, puncture is not a standard term with a well-defined meaning. However, it may be used metaphorically to describe moments or interventions that "pierce through" psychological defences, emotional barriers, or mental frameworks, leading to a breakthrough or emotional release. This concept is often linked to therapeutic processes or moments of heightened emotional clarity.