Glossary P

Puzzle box refers to the experimental chamber Thorndike used for systematically studying animal behavior.

Pygmalion effect refers to the idea that if people believe that something is true, they will act in a manner consistent with that belief. Pygmalion effect is also a self -fulfilling pr

Pylorospasm is the shutting of the pylorus valve that occurs in some people when they drink very large quantities of alcohol

Pyramidal cells is a specific type of neuron that is found in all areas of the cerebral cortex. These cells have bodies that are pyramidal or conical in shape.

Pyramidal motor system the system that originates in the cerebral cortex and controls voluntary movement.

Pyromania refers to an Impulse-Control Disorder involving the persistent, compelling and irresistible urge to start or to set fires. It is also defined as a pattern of deliberate setting of fires for pleasure or satisfaction derived from the relief of tension experienced before the fire-setting.

Pyrrho of Elis (ca. 360 - 270 B.C.) was the founder of Skepticism.

Pythagoras (ca. 580–500 B.C.) is the Greek scholar who suggested that the brain is at the center of human reasoning and plays a central role in the "soul's life."