Deutsch: Vergangenheitsorientierte Frage / Español: Pregunta centrada en el pasado / Português: Questão centrada no passado / Français: Question axée sur le passé / Italiano: Domanda focalizzata sul passato /

Past-focused question refers to a type of structured-interview question that taps an applicant’s experience.

In the psychology context, a past-focused question is a question or inquiry that is directed toward the past or that seeks information about past events or experiences. Past-focused questions are often used in research and assessment to gather information about an individual's history, experiences, or behaviors.

Examples of past-focused questions in the psychology context include:

  • "What did you do yesterday?"
  • "Can you tell me about your childhood?"
  • "How did you feel about your last job?"

Past-focused questions can be useful for gathering information about an individual's past experiences or behaviors, and they can provide insight into how those experiences or behaviors may have influenced their current functioning or well-being. Psychologists and other mental health professionals may use past-focused questions as part of assessment procedures or research studies in order to gather information about an individual's history or background.