Deutsch: Aussage / Español: Proposición / Português: Proposição / Français: Proposition / Italiano: Proposizione /

Proposition may be defined as basically an assertion, which may be either true or false. In a Figurative language comprehension, the position that human comprehend figurative language by considering the literal meaning, then rejecting it.

n the psychology context, a proposition refers to a statement or idea that can be either true or false. It is a basic unit of thought that can be expressed in language and has meaning. Propositions are often used in reasoning, problem-solving, decision making, and communication.

Examples of propositions in psychology might include:

Propositions can be used to form arguments and support theories in psychology. They can also be used to describe psychological phenomena, such as emotions, cognitive processes, and social behavior. Propositions can be tested through scientific research, and evidence can be used to support or refute them.

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