Premise refers to a statement, from which others are inferred, that helps establish what is already known about a problem.

In psychology, a premise is a statement that forms the basis for an argument or theory. It is a fundamental assumption or proposition that is accepted as true and serves as the starting point for further reasoning or investigation.

Here are some examples of premises in psychology:

  • The premise that all humans have basic needs for food, shelter, and safety, which shapes their behavior and decision-making.

  • The premise that early experiences and relationships have a significant impact on a person's development and well-being.

  • The premise that people are motivated by a combination of internal drives and external incentives.

Premises are often used in psychological research to formulate hypotheses and guide the study of a particular topic. They can also be used in therapy or counseling to understand a person's experiences and behaviors and to develop strategies for change. In general, premises serve as the foundation for further exploration and understanding of psychological concepts and phenomena.

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