Glossary R
Glossary R
Deutsch: Ritual / Español: Ritual / Português: Ritual / Français: Rituel / Italiano: Rituale
Ritual in the psychology context refers to a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly, especially as part of a ceremony. These actions are imbued with symbolic meaning and are often integral to cultural, religious, or personal practices. In psychology, rituals can play a crucial role in providing structure, meaning, and comfort, as well as in influencing behavior and mental states.
Deutsch: Ritualisierung / Español: Ritualización / Português: Ritualização / Français: Ritualisation / Italiano: Ritualizzazione
Ritualization in the psychology context refers to the process by which repetitive and patterned behaviors acquire significance and meaning beyond their original function, often becoming symbolic actions that express and manage emotions, affirm social bonds, or transmit cultural values. Ritualized behaviors can be observed in both individual and collective contexts and play a significant role in psychological well-being, social cohesion, and cultural identity.
Deutsch: Raub / Español: robo / Português: roubo / Français: vol avec violence / Italiano: rapina
Robbery in the psychology context refers to the study of the mental, emotional, and behavioral aspects of individuals involved in committing, witnessing, or being victims of robbery. Psychological research on robbery examines the motives behind the crime, the emotional and cognitive impacts on victims, and the behavior patterns of perpetrators. This understanding helps in developing effective interventions, treatments for trauma, and criminal profiling.
Robert J. Sternberg is a Cognitive Psychologist who is well-known for his Triarchic Theory of Intelligence. Robert J. Sternberg was born 1949 in New Jersey.
Deutsch: Nagetier / Español: Roedor / Português: Roedor / Français: Rongeur / Italian: Roditore
Rodent in the psychology context refers to the use of rodents, such as rats and mice, in psychological research. These animals are commonly used as model organisms in various experiments due to their biological and behavioral similarities to humans, their rapid reproduction rates, and the extensive knowledge about their genetics and physiology.
Deutsch: Rollenkonfusion / Español: Confusión de roles / Português: Confusão de papéis / Français: Confusion des rôles / Italian: Confusione dei ruoli
Role Confusion refers to a psychological state where an individual experiences uncertainty or conflict about their social roles and expectations. This concept is particularly relevant during the developmental stage of adolescence but can also occur in other life stages. It is associated with identity formation and the challenges of integrating different roles and responsibilities into a coherent sense of self.