Glossary R
Glossary R
Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is a a highly sensitive technique for the detection and quantitation of mRNA (messenger RNA). The technique consists of two parts:
Deutsch: Überprüfung / Español: Revisión / Português: Revisão / Français: Révision / Italiano: Revisione /
Revision in the context of psychology refers to the process of reevaluating and making changes to one's thoughts, behaviors, or beliefs with the goal of improving mental health and well-being. It involves the critical examination of past experiences, decisions, or cognitive patterns to enhance personal growth, coping strategies, and overall psychological functioning. Revision is a fundamental aspect of various psychological approaches and therapies, enabling individuals to adapt and make positive changes in their lives.
Deutsch: Belohnung / Español: Recompensa / Português: Recompensa / Français: Récompense / Italiano: Ricompensa
A reward is anything that produces pleasure or satisfaction; a positive reinforcer. Reward desirable behavioral consequences likely to increase the frequency of occurrence of that behavior.
In psychology, a reward refers to a stimulus or event that increases the likelihood of a particular behavior being repeated. It is a fundamental concept in the study of behavior, motivation, and the neural mechanisms underlying these processes.
Deutsch: Starrheit / Español: Rigidez / Português: Rigidez / Français: Rigidité / Italian: Rigidità
Rigidity in psychology refers to an individual's resistance to change, often characterized by inflexible thinking, behavior, and emotional responses. It can manifest in various psychological conditions and affect an individual's ability to adapt to new situations or information.
Deutsch: Risiko / Español: riesgo / Português: risco / Français: risque / Italiano: rischio
Risk in the psychology context refers to the potential for exposure to harm or loss that can affect an individual's mental health, decision-making processes, or behavior. It encompasses both the perception of risk and the actual dangers that might be involved in a situation. Psychological risk is a critical factor in understanding how people evaluate, respond to, and manage potential threats or challenges in their lives.