Glossary S

Sensory impairment refers to a loss or absence of ability to hear or see, but not necessarily a complete loss.

- Sensory Motor Stage (0 - 24 months) (Piaget) : Sensory Motor Stage (0 - 24 months) refers to the first of the four (4) stages Piaget uses to define cognitive development.

Sensory reception is a kind of perception that occurs through a process known as transduction in which stimuli are converted into nerve impulses, which are then relayed to the brain.
Sentence-completion test refers to a form of projective test that asks the person to finish sentences; the response is used to better understand personality.

Separation anxiety disorder or SAD refers to a mental health disorder that begins in childhood and is characterized by worrying that is out of proportion to the situation of temporarily leaving home or otherwise separating from loved ones;

- Separation anxiety disorder (SAD) : separation anxiety disorder (SAD ) is a form of anxiety disorder in which the subject displays age-inappropriate, excessive, and disabling anxiety about being apart from his or her parents or away from home.
Sequela is defined as a pathological condition resulting from a previous disease or injury.

Sequencing means the placing the detail of information in its accustomed order (for example, days of the week, the alphabet, etc.).

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