Social learning theory refers to the theory that we learn social behavior (e.g., aggression) by observing others and imitating them
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Social learning theory refers to a brand of behaviorism that strongly emphasizes the importance of observational learning and cognitive variables in explaining human behavior. It has more recently been referred to as "social-cognitive theory.”

Social learning theory combines learning principles with cognitive processes, socialization, and modeling to explain behavior. According to Albert Bandura, viewers imitate novel behavior they see on television and vicariously learned aggression can erupt in future antisocial behavior. In industrial and organizational setting, employees model their levels of satisfaction and motivation from other employees.
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Social learning theory refers to an earlier version of Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory; a theory of learning that emphasizes the ability of the human beings to learn new and many kinds of responses, including aggresive ones, through observation and imitation of others; observation shows people both how to perform a behavior and whether that behavior will be rewarded or punished.

Moreover, Social learning theory a conceptualization of learning that describes the processes by which new behaviors are acquired by observing and imitating the actions displayed by others, particulary models, such as parents and peers.
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Social learning theory is a theory in the study of criminality that maintains that delinquent behavior is learned through the same psychological processes as non-delinquent behavior through reinforcement.