Glossary A

Associated features refer to clinical features that are not part of the diagnostic criteria for a particular mental disorder, but may frequently occur in association with the disorder.

Englisch: Vereinigung
Association refers to a linkage between two psychological processes or representations as a result of past experience in which the two have occurred together.

- Association area (association cortex) : Association area (association cortex) refers to all areas of the cerebral cortex that are not primarily sensory or motor in function.

Association areas refer to the areas of the cerebral cortex that house memories and are involved in thought, perception, learning, and language.

Association or polymodal areas refer to brain regions involved in the integration of sensory information from different sensory cortices and linking the sensory cortices to the motor cortices. These associative cortices support complex mental and behavioral functions.

Association reflex refers to Bechterev's term for what Pavlov called a Conditioned reflex.

- Association Study : Association Study refers to a Research strategy for comparing genetic markers in groups of people with and without a particular disorder.

Associationism refers to a philosophical doctrine maintaining that complex ideas are the sum of smaller, more elemental ideas joined together. It examines how events or ideas can become associated with one another in the mind to result in a form of learning. Moreover, Associationism is the philosophical belief that mental phenomena, such as learning, remembering, and imagining, can be explained in terms of the Laws of Association.