Antagonism refers to the diminished or reduced effect of a drug when another drug is present.

In psychology, antagonism refers to a relationship between two or more people or groups in which they oppose or contradict each other. It can involve verbal or physical conflict, and it often involves a power imbalance, with one person or group trying to dominate or control the other.

Antagonism can occur in a variety of contexts, including personal relationships, work environments, and social groups. It can be driven by a variety of factors, such as conflicting values, goals, or interests, or by differences in personality or behavior.

Examples of antagonism in psychology might include:

  • A disagreement between coworkers over a project or task, with one person trying to assert their authority or ideas over the other
  • A power struggle between a parent and child, with the child resisting the parent's control or rules
  • A conflict between two romantic partners over a disagreement or misunderstanding, leading to hostility or resentment
  • A disagreement between members of a social group over values or beliefs, leading to tension or hostility within the group.

Managing or resolving antagonism often involves finding ways to communicate effectively, negotiate differences, and resolve conflicts in a healthy and constructive way.

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