Glossary B

Blog refers to a website in which the host regularly posts commentaries on a topic that readers can respond to. A Blog is also compared to a diary using the internet, where a person can write whatever pleases him/her, including his/her experiences, daily activities, etc.

Blood boosting is a term that applies to the increase of the blood's hemoglobin concentration by the infusion of additional red blood cells. Blood boosting is medically termed induced erythrocythemia.

Blood pressure refers to the force that blood exerts against vessel walls.

Blood-brain barrier refers to the system that "filters” the blood before it can enter the brain; mechanism that keeps many chemicals out of the brain. Affords protection from potentially harmful substances circulating in the body through the bloodstream. It bars certain drugs totally from the brain, and other substances require an active transport system across the Blood–brain barrier.

Blood-injection-injury phobia refers to a subtype of specific phobia characterized by the fear of seeing blood, looking at an injury, receiving an injection or any other invasive medical procedure. Specific phobia was formerly known as Simple phobia.

Blood-injection-injury type phobias refer to extreme fears of seeing blood or an injury or of receiving an injection or another invasive medical procedure, which cause a drop in heart rate and blood pressure and fainting