Deutsch: Schwatzhaftes Syndrom / Español: Síndrome del parlanchín / Português: Síndrome do tagarela / Français: Syndrome du bavardage / Italiano: Sindrome del chiacchierone /

Chatterbox syndrome refers to a disorder characterized by severe mental retardation but remarkable linguistic abilities.

A disorder characterized by severe mental retardation but remarkable linguistic abilities is known as specific language impairment (SLI). This condition is also sometimes referred to as developmental language disorder or developmental dysphasia. Children with SLI have difficulty with language development, despite having normal hearing and intelligence. They may have difficulty with understanding and using language, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Children with SLI may also struggle with social communication skills, such as taking turns in conversation and understanding nonverbal cues. The cause of SLI is not fully understood, but it is thought to be related to genetics, brain development, and environmental factors.

The term "chatterbox" is sometimes used colloquially to describe someone who talks excessively.


Chatterbox syndrome, also known as logorrhea, is a psychological condition characterized by excessive and uncontrollable talking. Individuals with this syndrome often feel a compulsive need to talk, sometimes without considering the appropriateness of their words. This behavior can be disruptive in social settings and may lead to difficulties in maintaining relationships. Chatterbox syndrome is thought to be linked to underlying psychological issues such as anxiety, attention-seeking behavior, or a lack of impulse control. In some cases, it may be a symptom of a larger neurological disorder.

Application Areas

  • Clinical psychology
  • Speech therapy
  • Group therapy sessions
  • Education settings
  • Counseling sessions

Treatment and Risks

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Medication to address underlying mental health issues
  • Psychoeducation on impulse control strategies
  • Risks may include social isolation, relationship difficulties, and misunderstandings in communication


  • An individual who talks excessively in social gatherings, dominating conversations
  • A person who has difficulty letting others speak and interrupts frequently
  • Someone who feels uncomfortable with silence and fills every moment with speech

Similar Concepts and Synonyms

  • Logorrhea
  • Compulsive talking
  • Excessive verbalization


Chatterbox syndrome, or logorrhea, is a psychological condition characterized by excessive and uncontrollable talking. It can lead to difficulties in social interactions and relationships. Treatment typically involves therapy and addressing underlying mental health issues. Risks include social isolation and communication misunderstandings.
