Glossary D

Dale-Chall Index refers to a method of determining the read- ability level of written material by looking at the number of commonly known words used in the document.

Damnation in psychology refers to a deep and pervasive sense of condemnation, guilt, or self-reproach that an individual experiences. It is often associated with a profound feeling of being morally or spiritually flawed, unworthy, or condemned by others or a higher power. Damnation can have significant psychological and emotional consequences, impacting a person's self-esteem, mental well-being, and overall quality of life.

Dance movement therapy refers to a method of helping individuals integrate psychological and physiological processes so that they can better understand their own feelings, thoughts, and memories by expressing themselves through movement or dance.

Dance therapy describes a therapy in which people are encouraged to express themselves confidently in a non-verbal way, responding naturally and spontaneously to rhythm through dance This

In psychology, "danger" typically refers to situations or stimuli that pose a threat or risk of harm to an individual's physical or psychological well-being. It is a primal emotion that alerts us to the possibility of danger or threat in the environment and helps us to prepare for fight or flight responses.

Dangerous drugs refer to a term used by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to refer to broad categories or classes of controlled substances other than cocaine, opiates, and cannabis products.Amphetamines, methamphetamines, PCP (phencyclidine ), LSD, methcathinoneare all considered dangerous drugs.

Dangerousness refers to the likelihood that a given individual will later harm society or others.

Dangerousness to others is defined as a legal criterion for involuntary commitment that is met when a person would pose a threat or danger to other people if not incarcerated