Glossary D

Dissolution in psychology refers to the process of breaking down, disintegration, or decay of psychological structures, relationships, or mental processes. It involves the gradual or sudden disintegration of something that was once coherent or stable. Dissolution can occur at various levels, from personal relationships to cognitive processes, and it can have profound implications for mental health, well-being, and personal growth.

Dissolved is when a drug changes from solid to liquid by mixing it with a liquid.

Englisch: Suicide Loss Grief Process
Dissonance refers to suicide loss grief process where in grieving opens with conflict among what is felt, believed, and heard; expectations about life are rocked; healing is encouraged, but there is no leverage and lack of knowledge about suicide leads to seeking information.

Dissonant cognitions is defined as beliefs that are inconsistent or logically discrepant with one another

Distal means away from the center, toward the periphery, away from the origin of attachment ; farthest from the midline or point or reference; the fingertips are the most distal part of the upper extremity.

Distal stimulus refers to an object, event, or pattern as it exists in the world. In contrast with Proximal stimulus.

Distance is defined as the path of movement; refers to the actual sum length of units of measurement traveled.

Distance coordinate is a term used in hearing, this coordinate specifies how far the sound source is from the listener.