Glossary D

Downward social comparison refers to
the process whereby we compare ourselves to people who are worse than we on a particular trait or ability, in Order to feel better about ourselves

DQ is the abbrevations of Developmental Quotient - referring to a numerical measure of an infant"s performance on a developmental schedule relative to the performance of other infants of the

The term "draft" refers to a preliminary or rough version of a plan, thought, or piece of writing. It is often used as a way to gather and organize one's thoughts, ideas, or experiences before refining them into a more polished form.

Drag king refers to a professional actor, who, for a variety of reasons, performs in men’s clothing.

Drag queen refers to a professional actor, typically a gay man, who, for a variety of reasons, performs in flamboyant women’s clothing. Drag queen is also defined as a male homosexual who dresses in women's clothing.

Dragon's teeth is defined as seeds of discord. Often used in the form "to sow dragon's teeth": to take an action that leads to future conflict. The term "Dragon's teeth" is from the Greek mythology where the Phoenician prince Cadmus killed a dragon and sowed its teeth and from those sprang an army of men who fought each other until only five (5) were left.

Drama therapy / Psychodrama is a term used by the National Association for Drama Therapy which refers to the systematic and intentional use of drama/theater processes, products, and assoc

Dramatherapy refers to a means of making psychological change by involving individuals in experiences that are related to theater. Sometimes patients may enact their own spontaneous drama, play the parts of a play that has been written, or observe a play and discuss it. Psychodrama is considered to be one form of Dramatherapy.