Glossary D
Glossary D
Double aspectism refers to Spinoza's contention that material substance and consciousness are two (2) inseparable aspects of everything in the universe, including humans. It is the belief that bodily and mental events are inseparable because they are two (2) aspects of every experience.
Double aspectism is also called Psychophysical double aspectism and double-aspectmonism.
Double bind refers to a view that when an individual receives an important message with two (2) different meanings and is unable to respond to it, the individual is in an impossible situation. If such messages are repeated over time, individuals may begin to show signs of Schizophrenia.
double bind communication refers to the practice of transmitting conflicting messages that was thought to cause Schizophrenia according to n obsolete, unsupported theory
Double depression refers to a severe mood disorder typified by major depressive episodes superimposed over a background of Dysthymic disorder ; a co-existence of Dysthymic disorder and major depressive disorder
Double depression is an instance in which a major depressive episode is superimposed on the subject’s previous Dysthymic disorder.
Double dissociation refers to a logical progression of scientific assumptions in localizing functional areas in the brain. For example, if symptom A appears with lesions in brain str