Glossary D

Doubt is defined as a sense of uncertainty about one's abilities and one's worth.

Doula refers to person familiar with childbirth who provides emotional and physical support throughout labor and delivery
Down syndrome refers to the type of mental retardation caused by a chromosomal aberration (chromosome 21) and involving characteristic physical appearance. Down Syndrome is also known as Trisomy 21.

Downward communication is a term used in industrial and organizational psychology that refers to a communication within an organization in which the direction of communication is from management to employees.

Downward comparison means comparing oneself with a comparing oneself to people who are worse off, people who ranks lower than oneself on some dimension. (see Downward social comparison)

Downward counterfactual thoughts are reflections on how past events might have turned out worse.

Downward counterfactuals is imagining alternatives that are worse than actuality.

Downward social comparison refers to
the process whereby we compare ourselves to people who are worse than we on a particular trait or ability, in Order to feel better about ourselves