Glossary D
Glossary D
Dramatic-emotional personality disorders refer to disorders which include Antisocial, Borderline, Narcissistic, and Histrionic personality disorders which are characterized by dramatic and impulsive behaviors that are maladaptive and dangerous
Deutsch: Zeichnen / Español: Dibujo / Português: Desenho / Français: Dessin / Italiano: Disegno
Drawing in psychology refers to the act of creating images on a surface, typically paper, using various tools like pencils, pens, crayons, or markers. It is a significant form of expression that provides insight into an individual's cognitive, emotional, and psychological state. In psychological practice, drawing is used as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool to explore thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Dream analysis refers to a major technique in Jungian therapy where interpretations reveal the client's Unconscious dilemmas, archetypal enactments, and solutions to current issues. The pro
Dream processes refer to mental filters that hide the true meanings of dreams.
Dream work refers to the mechanism that distorts the meaning of a dream, thereby making it more tolerable to the dreamer. (See also Condensation and Displacement.)
Dreaming is defined by the following philosophers as: (1) For Plato, the manifestation of numerous irrational impulses that, while awake, would be under rational control. (2) For Aristotle,