Glossary E
Glossary E
Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) is defined as graded depolarization of a neuron. It refers to depolarization that increases the probability of the postsynaptic cell to reach its threshold and fire.
Excitatory transmitter is defined as neurotransmitters that cause the inside of a neuron to become more positively charged. Excitatory neurotransmitters increase the probability that an action potential will be generated and are also associated with increases in the rate of nerve firing.
Excitement phase refers to the first phase of sexual response, indicated by initial signs of sexual arousal.
Exclusionary rule refers to a rule prohibiting use of illegally obtained or otherwise inadmissible evidence in a court of law.
Exclusivity refers to a shutting out of others for elitist reasons.
Excoriation is denuding of the skin; often seen in those who engage in compulsive hand washing.