Glossary E
Glossary E
Expressive Language Disorder refers to individual’s problems in spoken communication, as measured by significantly low scores on standardized tests of expressive language relative to non-verbal intelligence test scores. The symptoms of Expressive Language Disorder may include a markedly limited vocabulary or errors in verb tense.
Expressive role refers to a social prescription, often directed toward females, that one should be cooperative, kind, nurturant, and sensitive to the needs of others.
Expressive strategy refers to a style of child language characterized by low noun/pronoun ratio, poor articulation, clear intonation, and relatively long utterances.
Expressive style refers to the language-learning style of children whose vocabularies include many social phrases that are used like one word. Moreover, it refers to the early linguistic style in which toddlers use language mainly to call attention to their own and others’ feelings and to regulate social interactions.
Expressive vocabulary is defined as the sum total of the words that one can use in the production of language.
Expressiveness is defined as the ability to effectively send non-verbal messages. It is a style of communication characterized by the ability to express tender emotions easily and to be sensitive to the feelings of others.
Extended case method refers to a technique developed by Michael Burawoy in which case study observations are used to discover flaws in and to improve existing social theories.