Glossary E
Glossary E
Extended self refers to the more mature self-representation, emerging between ages 3½ and 5 years, in which children are able to integrate past, present, and unknown future self-representations into a notion of a "self" that endures over time
Extensibility is defined as the ability of muscle to be stretched back to its original length following contraction.
Extensity refers to an ordering parameter of a complex system associated with energy. Here extensity is defined as the area of consciousness in phase space.
Extensor refers to muscle that extends a limb. Extensors are muscles that extend a limb, that is, increase the angle at a joint.
External attribution refers to the the inference that a person is behaving a certain way because of something about the situation he or she is in; the assumption is that most people would respond the same way in that situation
External justification refers to a person's reason or explanation for his or her dissonant behavior that resides outside the individual.