Glossary E

Erotic plasticity is defined as the degree to which the sex drive can be shaped and altered by social, cultural, and situational forces.

Erotica refers to sexually oriented media that are considered by a viewer or society as within the acceptable bounds of decency ; sexually arousing material that is not degrading or demeaning to women, men, or children. Erotica is also defined as a sexually explicit material that depicts non-violent, consensual sexual activity

Deutsch: Erotophonophiler / Español: Erotoponofílico / Português: Erotophonofílico / Français: Érotophonophile / Italiano: Erotoponofiliaco /

Erotophonophiliac refers to a person who derives sexual excitement from murdering others.

ERP is the abbreviations of Event-related potential , an electrical recording technique to measure the response of the brain to various stimulus events. Moreover, ERP is a measure of electrical activity in identifiable areas of the brain, corresponding to specific stimuli. Electroencephalograms (EEG) are typically used in studies of ERPs.

- ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) : ERP is the acronym of Exposure and Response Prevention which is defined as a method of treating Obsessive Compulsive behavior that involves prolonged exposure to anxiety-arousing events while not engaging in the compulsive behavior pattern that reduces the anxiety.

Error is defined as the deviation from a standard of quality; also a type of response to communication overload that involves processing all information but processing some of it incorrectly.

Error management theory refers to the idea that both men and women seek to minimize the most costly type of error, but that men’s and women’s goals, and hence worst errors, differ.

Error variance is defined as a variance computed to measure the magnitude of differences that would be expected if the null hypothesis is true and there are no population mean differences. The denominator of the F-ratio computed in an analysis of variance.