Glossary F

Foramen of Monro refers to a small opening connecting the lateral ventricles.

Foramina is defined as the more-or-less symmetric orifices in the base of the skull that provide passage for nerves and blood vessels.

Foramina of Luschka refer to the two (2) lateral openings, of three (3) , of the membranous roof of the fourth ventricle, allowing the cerebrospinal fluid to flow outside the brain and recirculate.
Forbidden death is defined as a death-related attitude that views death as offensive and unacceptable, something to be denied and hidden from public view.

Force is defined as the product of mass times acceleration (F * a).

Force arm is defined as the perpendicular distance between the location of force application and the axis. The shortest distance from the axis of rotation to the line of action of the force. Force arm is also known as the Moment arm or Torque arm.
Force majeure is defined as an unforeseeable and uncontrollable event, such as a war or a strike that exempts a party from a contract. Force majeure is from the French word which literally means Superior force.
Forced distribution method refers to a performance appraisal method in which a pre-determined percentage of employees are placed into a number of performance categories.