Glossary F

Friction is defined as a force that results from the resistance between the surfaces of two (2) objects moving upon one another.

Friedrich Nietzche one of the major contributors to Existential thought. Developed concepts of will-to-power and overman (Ubermensch). Nietzsche rejected religion in favor of the individual that lies in contradiction to the moral conformity of the majority, unlike Kierkegaars, who channeled individualism while staying connected to Christianity

- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) : Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche claimed that humans could no longer rely on religious superstition or metaphysical speculation as guides for living; instead, they must determine life's meaning for themselves. By exercising their will to power, people can continue to grow and overcome conventional morality. The term superman described those who experimented with life and feelings and engaged in continuous self -overcoming.

Friendliness in the context of psychology refers to a positive and amiable disposition, characterized by warmth, kindness, and a welcoming attitude toward others. It involves the expression of affability, goodwill, and a desire to establish and maintain positive social connections. Friendliness is a fundamental aspect of human interaction and plays a crucial role in social relationships, communication, and overall well-being.

Frigidity is defined as the

Frisson refers to a sudden, brief moment of excitement or fear ; thrill, shudder.

Fromm refers to the theories and concepts developed by Erich Fromm, a German social psychologist and psychoanalyst who made significant contributions to the fields of psychology and philosophy. Fromm's work focused on the intersection of social, cultural, and psychological factors in shaping human behavior, as well as the role of freedom and self-awareness in promoting mental health and well-being..

Frontal cortex refers to the brain region that regulates personality and goal-directed behavior