Glossary F

Franz Kafka's contribution is literature exploring the human conditions of anxiety, guilt, and isolation, explored meaningless by illustrating life as an "absurdity"

Franz Nissl (1860–1919) refers to the German Histologist who discovered in the 1880's that a simple dye can stain the cell bodies in neurons. The Nissl method is particularly useful for detecting the distribution of cell bodies in specific regions of the brain.

Fraternal twins refer to two (2) offsprings developed from two (2) separate ova fertilized by different spermatozoa. Also refers to children born at the same time who developed from two (2) different ova. Fraternal twins is also known as Dizygotic twins. Please see --->Dizygotic twins.

Fraternalistic deprivation described "group" deprivation sensed through comparisons made bewteen one's in-group and other groups in the society; there is, however, no sense of deprivation concerning one's position within the in-group itself.
Fraud refers to the deliberate distortion of Research results, which includes fabricating data, altering data, and deliberately not reporting results Thought to be inappropriate to one's int

Fraudulent data is defined as data that are fabricated, altered, or otherwise falsified by the experimenter.

Free association refers to the principle technique in Freudian psychoanalysis in which patients give a running account of thoughts, feelings, mental images, and physical sensations as they occur, in order to derive a repressed or hidden motivation for their psychological disorder.

Free choice paradigm refers to a research methodology used to test Dissonance theory which arouses dissonance by getting people to choose between two (2) or more alternatives