Glossary F

Family projection process is defined as a means of projecting or transmitting a parental conflict to one or more children.

Family resemblance refers to Wittgenstein's contention that a category does not have a defining feature/essence that must be shared by all members of the category. Rather, there is a set of features distributed among members of a category, with no single feature essential for inclusion in the category. Family resemblance is defined, likewise, as a structure of categories in which each member shares different features with different members. Few, if any, features are shared by every single member of the category.

- Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) : Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Please see Buckley Amendment.
Family sculpting is defined as a technique in which family members are physically molded or directed to take characteristic poses to represent a view of family relationships.

Family social system refers to the complex network of relationships, interactions, and patterns of influence that characterize a family with three (3) or more members.

Family structure is defined as the rules that have been developed in the course of family life to determine which members interact with which other members and in what way.

- Family study : family study refers to genetic study that examines patterns of traits and behaviors among relatives.

Family systems theories refer to theories that see the family as a complex system that works to maintain the status quo