Glossary F

Family Therapy refers to a therapeutic method that involves the entire family unit.

Fan effect refers to the phenomenon whereby retrieval time to retrieve a particular fact about a concept increases as more facts are known about that concept.

Deutsch: Fanatismus / Español: Fanatismo / Português: Fanatismo / Français: Fanatisme / Italiano: Fanatismo /

Fanaticism is a psychological phenomenon characterized by extreme and uncritical enthusiasm, devotion, or zeal for a particular belief, cause, ideology, or pursuit. It often involves an unwavering and fervent commitment to one's convictions, often to the point of disregarding opposing viewpoints, facts, or evidence. Fanaticism can manifest in various aspects of life, including religion, politics, sports, and even hobbies, and it may lead individuals to engage in irrational or harmful behaviors in the pursuit of their fervently held beliefs.

Fanfaronade is defined as bragging or blustering manner or behavior ; a fanfare.

Fantasized death is defined as unrealistic portraits of death (in the media)

Fantasy refers to the creative and imaginative interpretation of events that fulfills a psychological or rhetorical need.

Fantod refers to a state of nervous anxiety, irritability, the willies, the fidgets. Fantod is also defined as a fit or emotional outburst.

FAP is the abbreviations of Ffixed action pattern, a stereotyped pattern of behavior that is evoked by a "releasing stimulus"; an instinct. Also known as Modal action pattern