Glossary F

Deutsch: Falsche Einzigartigkeitseffekt / Español: Efecto de singularidad falsa / Português: Efeito de singularidade falsa / Français: Effet de fausse unicité / Italiano: Effetto di falsa unicità /

False uniqueness effect refers to
the tendency to underestimate the commonality of one's abilities and one's desirable or successful behaviors.

- False uniqueness effect (Better-than-average effect, Lake Wobegon effect) : False uniqueness effect (Better-than-average effect, Lake Wobegon effect) refers to the tendency to underestimate the number of other people who share one’s most prized characteristics and abilities

False-belief task refers to a type of task used in theory-of-mind studies, in which the child must infer that another person does not possess knowledge that he or she possesses, that is, that other person holds a belief that is false. Moreover, False-belief task is defined as a method of assessing one’s understanding that people can hold inaccurate beliefs that can influence their conduct, wrong as these beliefs may be

False-uniqueness effect refers to the tendency to believe that our strengths and virtues are rare and distinctive.
Falsifiability is defined as a criterion for evaluating the scientific merit of theories. A theory is "Falsifiable" when it is capable of generating predictions that could be disconfirmed.
Falsifiability view refers to the assertion by Popper that negative results of a test are more informative than positive results

Deutsch: Falsifikation

Falsification refers to a form of deception that creates a fiction; a lie.

Falsifikation is a concept in psychology and the philosophy of science that refers to the process of testing and potentially disproving a hypothesis or theory. It is a critical element of the scientific method and involves actively seeking evidence that could demonstrate a theory's incorrectness or inadequacy. Falsification aims to ensure that scientific theories are robust and can withstand scrutiny, ultimately contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the refinement of hypotheses.