Glossary F

Family life cycle is defined as an orderly sequence of developmental stages that families tend to progress through.It is the series of predictable changes that most families experience.

Family literacy refers to literacy practices that occur in the home, that include reading labels, newspapers, magazines, and books and writing lists, notes, and letters.
Family of origin refers to the family one was born into or raised by.

Family of procreation is defined as the family that develops when one marries and has children.

Family perspective refers to a theoretical perspective in which it is assumed that abnormality is caused by disturbances in the pattern of interactions and relationships within the family.

Family projection process is defined as a means of projecting or transmitting a parental conflict to one or more children.

Family resemblance refers to Wittgenstein's contention that a category does not have a defining feature/essence that must be shared by all members of the category. Rather, there is a set of features distributed among members of a category, with no single feature essential for inclusion in the category. Family resemblance is defined, likewise, as a structure of categories in which each member shares different features with different members. Few, if any, features are shared by every single member of the category.

- Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) : Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Please see Buckley Amendment.