Inversion means turning of the sole of the foot inward or medially, as in standing with the weight on the outer edge of the foot. Please see also Negation.

In psychology, inversion refers to a phenomenon in which a person's perception of an object or stimulus is altered by flipping it upside down or reversing its orientation. This can affect not only the person's visual perception but also their cognitive and emotional responses. Here are some examples of inversion:

  1. Face recognition: Inverting a face can make it more difficult for a person to recognize the face or identify the emotions expressed by the face. This is because the features of the face are processed differently when inverted.

  2. Spatial reasoning: Inverting an object or scene can affect a person's spatial reasoning abilities, making it more difficult to mentally rotate the object or navigate through the scene.

  3. Visual illusions: Inverting a visual illusion can sometimes cause the illusion to disappear or change in appearance. For example, the famous Müller-Lyer illusion, in which two lines of equal length appear to be of different lengths, is less effective when the lines are inverted.

  4. Memory recall: Inverting a memory can affect a person's ability to recall the memory or the details of the memory. For example, imagining a memory as though it is upside down can interfere with the person's ability to retrieve the information accurately.

  5. Emotional responses: Inverting emotional expressions can affect a person's emotional response to the expression. For example, inverting a smile can make it look like a frown and evoke a different emotional response.

Overall, inversion is an important phenomenon in psychology that can affect perception, cognition, and emotion. By understanding the effects of inversion, psychologists can better understand how the brain processes and responds to stimuli.

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