Glossary L

- Law of proximity (Law of nearness) : Law of proximity refers to a Gestalt law of perceptual organization that states that things that are near to each other appear to be grouped together. Law of proximity is also called the Law of nearness.
Law of recency refers to Watson's observation that typically it is the "correct" response that terminates a learning trial and it is this final or most recent response that will be repeated when the organism is next placed in that learning situation.
Law of resemblance is a law which according to Hume is the tendency for our thoughts to run from one event to similar events the same as what others call the Law or Principle of similarity.

Law of similarity refers to a law of association holding that events that are similar to each other are readily associated; a thought of something will tend to cause thoughts of similar things. Law of similarity is a Gestalt law stating that similar things appear to be grouped together.

Law of small numbers refers to the tendency for people to base sweeping generalizations about an entire group on observations of a small number of individuals from that group.
Law of specific nerve energies refers to statement that each nerve always conveys the same kind of information to the brain
Law of triviality refers to the amount of time a group spends on discussing any issue will be in inverse proportion to the consequentiality of the issue.