Glossary L

Lateral geniculate nucleus refers to thalamic nucleus that receives incoming visual information

Lateral hypothalamus refers to the area of the hypothalamus that is important for the control of eating and drinking

rLateral inhibition means restraint of activity in one neuron by activity in a neighboring neuron. It is inhibition that is transmitted laterally across a nerve circuit. In the retina, Lateral inhibition is transmitted by the horizontal and amacrine cells.

The Lateral interpositus nucleus (LIP) is the nucleus of the cerebellum that is critical for classical conditioning of the eye-blink response.

Lateral preoptic area is the portion of the hypothalamus that includes some cells that facilitate drinking and some that inhibit it, as well as passing axons that are important for osmotic thirst

Lateralization the differences between the two (2) sides of the body, especially differences in the abilities of the brain hemispheres. Moreover, Lateralization is the division of labor between the two (2) hemispheres of the brain; specialization of function of the two (2) cerebral hemispheres

Latin Square refers to an N x N matrix where each of N different items appears exactly once in each column and exactly once in each row. Latin square is used to identify sequences of treatment conditions for partial counterbalancing. Moreover, Latin Square is a type of counterbalancing that ensures that each level of the independent variable appears in every ordered position equally often.