Glossary L

Longitudinal research is a type of research evaluating the same group (s) of people for an extended period of time. Likewise, Longitudinal research is defined as the repeated observation and measurement of the same individuals over a period of time; type of research evaluating the same group(s) of people for an extended period of time; conducted over a period of time and usually involving many measures of the key variables.

Longitudinal studies are studies in which a group of individuals is investigated over a relatively long period of time; analysis that focuses on studies of a particular group conducted repeatedly over a period of time. Longitudinal study involves the collection of data at different points in time, as contrasted with a cross-sectional study. Please see Cohort study, Panel study, and Trend study.

Longitudinal study refers to a study that collects different types of data, example of which are early experiences, gender , education, personality characteristics on a regular basis and tracks the development of a group of children over a number of years.

Looby is defined as an awkward, clumsy, lazy fellow.

Looking glass self refers to the tendency to internalize other people’s judgments about us into our self-concept.

Loose cannon refers to an uncontrollable or unpredictable person, usually causing damage to his own faction.

Deutsch: Lose Tail / Español: Cola Suelta / Português: Cauda Solta / Français: Queue Lâche / Italiano: Coda Allentata /

Loose Tail is a term used in Forensic psychology which means "following a person, must be undetected, not a constant surveillance".

Loquacious means talkative; wordy.