Deutsch: Lawsche Tabellen / Español: Tablas de Lawshe / Português: Tabelas de Lawshe / Français: Tables de Lawshe / Italiano: Tavole di Lawshe /

Lawshe tables are tables that use the base rate, test validity, and applicant percentile on a test to determine the probability of future success for that applicant.

Lawshe tables are a quantitative tool used in content validity analysis, a method used to evaluate how well an assessment instrument measures the construct it is intended to measure. Content validity is typically established through the consensus of a panel of subject matter experts who evaluate the relevance and representativeness of the items on the assessment.

Lawshe tables provide a way to determine the minimum number of experts needed for the panel and the minimum level of agreement necessary to establish content validity. The tables use a formula that takes into account the number of items on the assessment, the number of experts on the panel, and the desired level of agreement.

For example, suppose a researcher is developing a new measure of job satisfaction and wants to establish content validity using Lawshe tables. The assessment has 50 items, and the researcher wants to achieve a level of agreement of at least 0.80. According to the Lawshe table, the researcher would need at least six experts on the panel to achieve this level of agreement.

Lawshe tables can help ensure that content validity is established rigorously and systematically, which is essential for creating reliable and valid assessment instruments. However, it is important to note that Lawshe tables are just one tool for establishing content validity and should be used in conjunction with other methods, such as cognitive interviews and pilot testing.

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