Glossary M

Medulla is the structure that connects the brain with the spinal cord and controls vital life functions ; the center for breathing, waking, sleeping, and beating of the heart Moreover, Medulla is the part of the brain that regulates heart rate, constriction of blood vessels, and rate of breathing; hindbrain structure located just above the spinal cord; the medulla could be regarded as an enlarged, elaborated extension of the spinal cord; oblong-shaped area of the hindbrain involved in heartbeat and respiration.

Medulla oblongata is the lowest hindbrain structure of the brain; important in the regulation of breathing, heart rate, and other basic life functions such as swallowing, and digestion

Medullary cavity refers to marrow cavity between the walls of the diaphysis, containing yellow or fatty marrow.

Medulloblastoma refers to a brain tumor seen most frequently in children rapidly growing and very malignant located in the inferior vermis close to the exit of cerebrospinal fluid fr

Meiosis refers to the process by which a germ cell divides, producing gametes (sperm or ova) that each contain half of the parent cell"s original complement of chromosomes; in humans,

Meissner corpuscle refers to a receptor in the skin, associated with RA1mechanoreceptors. It has been proposed that the Meissner corpuscle is important for perceiving tactile slip an

Melancholic features refer to specifier for a depressive episode in which the individual loses interest in most activities, awakens much earlier than usual in the morning, has signifi

- Melanie Klein (1882 - 1960) : Melanie Klein refers to an early child analyst whose theory emphasized the importance of the mother-child relationship and the development of the super ego during the oral stage of development. By using Play therapy, Klein believed that child analysis could begin as early as two (2) years of age. Klein's ideas concerning the psychology of children were usually in conflict with those of Anna Freud.

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