Glossary M

Mutual exclusivity bias is defined as a cognitive constraint in which children assume that an object is ordinarily not given two (2) different names.

Mutual exclusivity constraint refers to the notion that young children will assume that each object has but one label and that different words refer to separate and non-overlapping categories.

Mutual interdependence is defined as a condition in which two (2) or more persons must depend on one another to meet each person's needs or goals. It is a situation where two (2) or more groups need each other and must depend on each other in order to accomplish a goal that is important to each of them

Mutual masturbation is defined as simultaneous masturbation of sexual partners by each other.

Mutual-exclusivity assumption is a word-learning constraint according to which children assume that objects can have only a single name.

Deutsch: Gegenseitigkeit / Español: Mutualidad / Português: Mutualidade / Français: Réciprocité / Italiano: Mutualità /

Mutuality is the ability of two (2) people to meet each other's needs and to share each other's concerns and feelings.

Mutually responsive orientation refers to parent/child relationship characterized by establishment of comfortable routines, harmonious patterns of communication, mutual responsiveness to each other’s needs and goals, and shared positive affect

- Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) : Myalgic Encephalomyelitis refers to a Condition characterized by extreme disabling Fatigue that has lasted for at least six (6) months and is made worse by physical or mental exertion, whi