Glossary M

Macrosystem is the larger cultural or sub-cultural context in which development occurs; the cultures and sub-cultures in which the microsystem, mesosystem, and exosystem are embedded.

Macrotheory is the theory aimed at understanding the "big picture" of institutions, whole societies, and the interactions among societies. Karl Marx's examination of the class struggle is an example of Macrotheory. By contrast, please see Microtheory.
Macular degeneration refers to a clinical condition that causes degeneration of the Macula, an area of the retina that includes the fovea and a small surrounding area.
Mad cry is the more intense version of a basic cry

Madam refers to a slang term referring to a woman who manages a brothel, in-call, out-call, or escort service.

Deutsch: Wahnsinn / Español: Locura / Português: Loucura / Français: Folie / Italian: Follia

Madness in the psychology context refers to a broad and historically loaded term used to describe severe mental illness or extreme psychological disturbances. Although the term is largely outdated and considered stigmatizing in modern psychology and psychiatry, it has historically been used to describe a range of conditions characterized by abnormal or disordered thinking, perception, emotion, and behavior. Today, such conditions are more accurately and respectfully referred to using specific diagnostic terms like psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or severe depression.

Mafia refers to the entirety of those Sicilian families which, in both the United States and Sicily, are loosely associated with one another in operating organized crime.

Magazine is defined as an unscientific collection of articles about a wide range of topics.