Glossary P

Deutsch: Papille / Español: Papila / Português: Papila / Français: Papille / Italiano: Papilla /

In the context of psychology, "papilla" refers to small bumps or projections on the surface of the tongue that contain taste buds. These taste buds are responsible for detecting and processing different flavors or tastes.

- Papilla (plural: Papillae) : Papilla refers to the structure on the surface of the tongue which contains taste buds. Papillae which is the plural form of Papilla are bumps on which lie from one to several hundred taste buds consisting of between 50 to 150 taste receptor cells; rRidges and valleys on the tongue, some of which contain taste buds. There are four (4) types of Papillae: filiform, fungiform, foliate, and circumvallate.
Papilloma or Human papilloma virus refers to wart-like growth on the genitals. Papilloma is also called Venereal wart, Condylomata, or Genital wart. (See Human papilloma virus)

Parabelt area refers to the auditory area in the temporal lobe that receives signals from the belt area.

Paradigm is defined as a body of knowledge that selects and highlights certain issues for study. It includes assumptions about how a particular phenomenon ought to be studied and the kinds of experimental methods and measures that are appropriate to use.

Paradigmatic stage is a stage which according to Kuhn, is the stage in the development of a science during which scientific activity is guided by a Paradigm. That is, it is during this stage that normal science occurs. Please see Paradigm and also Normal science.

Paradox refers to a statement that appears contradictory or absurd yet in fact may be true. Paradox is also defined as a self -contradictory statement that appears true or is derived from true statements.

Paradox of the basins refers to Locke's observation that warm water will feel either hot or cold depending on whether a hand is first placed in hot water or cold water. Because water cannot be hot and cold at the same time, temperature must be a secondary, not a primary, quality.