Glossary P

Panic attacks are short, intense periods during which an individual experiences physiological and cognitive symptoms of anxiety, characterized by intense fear and discomfort
Panic button effect refers to a reduction in Stress or suffering due to a belief that one has the option of escaping or controlling the situation, even if one does not exercise it

- Panic control therapy : Panic Control therapy (PCT) refers to the treatment that consists of cognitive restructuring, exposure to bodily cues associated with panic attacks, and breathing retraining.

- Panic control treatment (PCT) : Panic Control treatment also known as PCT refers to the cognitive-behavioral treatment for panic attacks, involving gradual exposure to feared somatic sensations and modification of percepti

Panic disorder is defined as a disorder characterized by recurrent, unexpected Panic attacks. Panic attacks are short, intense periods during which an individual experiences physiological and cognitive symptoms of anxiety, characterized by intense fear and discomfort

- Panic disorder (PD) : panic disorder (PD) refers to a form of anxiety disorder characterized by panic attacks and sudden feelings of terror that strike repeatedly and without warning. Physical symptoms of Panic disorder include chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, and abdominal stress. There is also persistent concern about having another attack and the possible implications and consequences it would bring.
- Panic disorder (with agoraphobia) : - Panic disorder (with agoraphobia) : Panic disorder (with Agoraphobia) refers to a chronic state of anxiety and brief moments of sudden, intense, unexpected panic. The person fears that these panic attacks will occur in public places or unfamiliar situations.
- Panic disorder with agoraphobia (PDA) : panic disorder with agoraphobia (PDA ) refers to fear and avoidance of situations the person believes might induce a dreaded panic attack.