Glossary P

Palialia is defined as the continuous repetition of sounds and words; compulsive word or phrase repetition.

Palimony is defined as an allowance for support made under court order and given often by one (1) person to his or her former lover or live-in companion after they have separated.

Palliative care refers to the care of patients whose disease is no longer curable, example of these diseases are cancer, HIV/Aids, and motor-neurone disease. It takes into account the phys

Palliative surgery is the treatment used to treat complications of advanced disease, but not as a cure

Pallidotomy refers to a surgical treatment for Parkinson's disease. In this technique, the ventral, or internal portion, of the globus pallidus is lesioned via heat coagulation of the neurons.

Palmar flexion is defined as flexion movement of the wrist in the sagittal plane with the volar or anterior side of the hand moving toward the anterior side of the forearm.

Deutsch: Palmer-Griff / Español: Reflejo de prensión palmar / Português: Pega palmar / Français: Préhension palmaire / Italiano: Presa di Palmer

Palmer Grasp refers to a reflexive grasp pattern observed in infants, where an object placed in the palm of their hand causes them to automatically close their fingers and grasp it. This reflex is named after the palm of the hand, where the action takes place. It is one of the primitive reflexes present at birth and plays a crucial role in the developmental process of an infant's motor skills. The Palmer Grasp Reflex typically appears around the 16th week of gestation and usually diminishes by the age of 5 to 6 months as it gradually integrates into more voluntary and sophisticated motor behaviors.

Palpation means using the sense of touch to feel or examine a muscle or other tissue.