Glossary S

Scatology refers to the chemical analysis of excrement for medical diagnosis or for paleontological purposes.

Scatolophilia refers to sexual Arousal from making obscene telephone calls.

Scatophagia refers to the ingestion of feces, often as a sign of submission.

Scatter diagram refers to a picture of the relationship between two (2) variables. For each individual, a pair of observations is obtained, and the Values are plotted in a two-dimens

Scatter plot refers to a graph that shows the data from a correlational study. The two (2) scores for each individual appear as a single point in the graph with the vertical position

Scatterplot refers to a visual representation of the relationship between two (2) variables. The scatterplot consists of an X-axis (labeled to reflect one variable), a Y-axis (labele

Deutsch: Szenario / Español: Escenario / Português: Cenário / Français: Scénario / Italiano: Scenario

In the psychology context, a scenario refers to a hypothetical or real-life situation used to explore or understand psychological processes, behaviours, or decision-making. Scenarios are often employed in experiments, therapeutic settings, or educational contexts to examine how individuals think, feel, and act in various circumstances. They help simulate conditions that can reveal insights into cognition, emotion, or social interaction.

Scenario writing refers to a technique intended to predict future outcomes, and which builds upon environmental scanning by attempting to assess the likelihood of a variety of possib