Glossary S

Scapegoat theory refers to an explanation of intergroup Conflict arguing that hostility caused by frustrating environmental circumstances is released by taking hostile actions against

Scapegoating refers to the tendency for individuals, when frustrated or unhappy, to displace Aggression into groups that are disliked, visible, and relatively powerless.

In the psychology context, scarcity refers to the perception or experience of limited resources, leading to a sense of deprivation and urgency to obtain those resources. This concept has been widely studied in social psychology, behavioral economics, and marketing, among other fields. Scarcity can have significant effects on behavior, cognition, and emotion, as individuals may alter their priorities and decision-making processes in response to perceived scarcity.

Scare tactics refer to a prevention approach used in the 1960's that exaggerated the negative consequences of drug use in one shot efforts to scare young people into not experimenting with drugs

Scatology refers to the chemical analysis of excrement for medical diagnosis or for paleontological purposes.

Scatolophilia refers to sexual Arousal from making obscene telephone calls.

Scatophagia refers to the ingestion of feces, often as a sign of submission.

Scatter diagram refers to a picture of the relationship between two (2) variables. For each individual, a pair of observations is obtained, and the Values are plotted in a two-dimens