Glossary S

Salivation in the Psychology Context:

In psychology, salivation is a physiological response that has been studied extensively in the context of classical conditioning and behavioral psychology. This process, also known as the salivary or Pavlovian reflex, involves the automatic release of saliva in response to certain stimuli. This psychological phenomenon has implications for understanding learning, conditioning, and even emotional responses. In this context, we will explore salivation, provide examples, discuss recommendations for its study and application, and touch upon related psychological concepts.

Salvadore Minuchin refers to a well-known family therapist who stressed the importance of "joining" with clients. Similar to the concept of relationship building.

Sample refers to a selection of individuals from a larger group.

Sandra Wood Scarr Born: 1936 - Washington, DC


Sangfroid (Sang-froid) means coolness and composure, especially in trying circumstances; calmness, especially under stress.

Sarcomeres is the repeating contractile unit in a myofibril bounded by Z-lines.

Satiation is the opposite of deprivation. The more frequently a person has received a particular reinforcer in the recent past, the more satiated he or she is. Satiation is likewise defined as the prolonged exposure to (or consumption of ) an event that tends to decrease the appetitiveness of that event.

In psychology, "satisfaction" refers to an individual's overall contentment or fulfillment with various aspects of their life, experiences, or achievements. It is a complex emotional and cognitive state that can be influenced by a wide range of factors, including personal goals, expectations, social comparisons, and environmental circumstances. Understanding satisfaction is essential in psychology as it plays a significant role in human well-being, motivation, and decision-making.

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