Glossary S

Sperm bank refers to a storage facility that holds supplies of sperm for future use.
Sperm cryopreservation refers to the freezing of sperm for later use.

Spermicide refers to the chemical method of contraception, including creams, gels, foams, suppositories, and films, that works to reduce the survival of sperm in the vagina.

Sphincter muscle refers to a type of parallel muscle that is a technically endless strap muscle with fibers arranged to surround and close openings upon contraction, such as the orbicularis oris. Sphincter muscle is also referred to as circular muscles.
Sphingomyelin lipoidosis is another name of Niemann-Pick disease which refers to a biochemical disorder affecting a lipid (fat) called sphingomyelin which results resulting usually in progre

Sphingomyelinase deficiency is another name of Niemann-Pick disease that refers to a biochemical disorder affecting a lipid (fat) called sphingomyelin which results resulting usually in prog

Sphinx is a term used referring to a mysterious, inscrutable person. Sphinx is after the name "Sphinx" which is a winged monster in Greek mythology who had a woman's head and a lion's body which killed anyone who was not able to answer its riddle. Spinkx is from the Greek word sphinx, literally, strangler
Spin doctor refers to a representative who is adept in presenting a favorable interpretation of events, utterances, and actions for a politician or some other public figure; one who manipulates news.

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