Glossary S

Spinal cord injury or SCI refers to damage or trauma to the spinal cord that results in a loss or impaired function causing reduced mobility or feeling.

Deutsch: Spirituelles Erwachen / Español: Despertar Espiritual / Português: Despertar Espiritual / Français: Éveil Spirituel / Italiano: Risveglio Spirituale

In the psychology context, spiritual awakening refers to a profound shift in an individual's perception of themselves and their relationship to the world, often leading to a deeper understanding of life, a sense of interconnectedness, and a quest for meaning beyond the material aspects of existence. It is characterized by a transformation in consciousness, where one's previous beliefs, values, and assumptions about the self and the universe may be dramatically altered or expanded.

The spirometry is a measurement of various lung volumes.

In the psychology context, a split brain refers to a condition resulting from the corpus callosum, the major bundle of nerve fibers connecting the two cerebral hemispheres, being severed or damaged. This surgical procedure, known as corpus callosotomy, is sometimes performed to treat severe epileptic seizures. The study of individuals with split-brain conditions has provided invaluable insights into the lateralization of brain function, demonstrating how the left and right hemispheres of the brain have specialized functions and how they communicate with each other to integrate cognitive processes.

Split-brain patients refer to people who have undergone operations severing the Corpus callosum or split-brain operation; these are individuals in whom the corpus collosum connecting

Split-half method refers to a form of internal Reliability in which the consistency of item responses is determined by comparing scores on half of the items with scores on the other

Split-half reliability refers to the determination of Reliability of a test by dividing the test items into two (2) arbitrary groups and correlating the scores obtained on the two (2)

The split-litter technique is the random assignment of animals from the same litter to different groups; a type of matched groups design.

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