Glossary S

- St. Augustine (354-430) : St. Augustine After having demonstrated the validity of inner, subjective experience, said that one can know God through introspection as well as through the revealed truth of the scriptures. St. Augustine also wrote extensively on human free will.

- St. Bonaventure (ca. 1217-1274) : St. Bonaventure is the contemporary of St. Thomas Aquinas who argued that Christianity should remain Augustinian and should reject any effort to assimilate Aristotelian philosophy into church dogma.

St. Paul (ca. 10 - 64) the founder of the Christian church by claiming that Jesus was the son of God. Paul placed the soul or spirit in the highest position among the human faculties, the body in the lowest, and the mind in a position somewhere in between.

The stability is an information that indicates whether the cause of the success (or failure) is an enduring characteristic or one that changes or disappears over time.

The concept of stabilization in psychology refers to the process of achieving and maintaining emotional balance, psychological well-being, and a sense of equilibrium. It involves managing and regulating emotions, thoughts, and behaviors to create a stable foundation for mental health.

In the field of psychology, the term "stage" can refer to a specific period or phase in the development of an individual or in the progression of a psychological process. Stages can be used to describe changes or transitions that occur at different points in an individual's life or in response to different experiences or events.

Stage Theory refers to a developmental theory that postulates that development proceeds in a sequence of qualitatively different stages.

Stammering refers to a condition that is characterised by disruptions and stoppages in fluency that interrupt the smooth flow and timing of speech. This may take the form of repetitions of sounds, syllables or words, or of prolongations of sounds so that words seem to be stretched out. Speech may sound forced, tense or jerky. People who stammer may avoid certain words or situations which they know will cause them difficulty. Stammering is not simply a speech difficulty but is a serious communication problem; it can undermine a person's self -esteem and confidence, and affect their interactions with others, as well as their employment and education potential.

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